My friend Wendi e-mailed me a list of 50 quotes associated with risk taking that she found on I’ve culled the list to the six that resonate.
- “Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” —Helen Keller
- “If things seem under control, you are just not going fast enough.” —Mario Andretti
- “Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” —David Lloyd George
- “Do one thing every day that scares you.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
- “The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety.” —Goethe
- “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” —Anais Nin
Of course, risk is one of those words that knots my stomach and closes down my mind instantly. Growing up in chaos created an almost obsessive desire for control and safety in my adult life. So, what do I do? I pursue a risky profession that holds no guarantees and requires big leaps of faith — almost daily. Ha! The universe chuckles at the irony.
Goethe probably put it best in that ‘safety’ is one of life’s dangers. Pursuit of it can close down our spirits to the breathtaking heights we can reach without fear. Safety makes the world very small. It’s a death shroud, shielding us from the wonders of life and living.
There is so much joy in creativity when we put aside the idea that it can be controlled. Has fear of risk kept you from a dream? What help do you need to blossom?
Oh my yes fear of risk has kept me from a dream. The biggest risk avoided has been a fulltime leap into writing fulltime. I am now on the way. But to be honest, I have taken many other great risks in my life. Overall I've been a courageous person. I love the quotes. You seem courageous too.